Sunday, 20 February 2011

Legionary list #1

My first test list for legionary is based around assault with heavy support element, So what do you guys think?

Emperors Champion with Accept any challange no matter the odds (140)
5 Assault Terminators with Furious Charge (215)

Crusader squad with 5/3 in a rhino with extra armour and melta gun and power fist (190)
Crusadr squad with 5/2 in a rhino with extra armour and meltagun and powerfist (180)

Typhoon (70)
Typhoon (70)

Land Raider Crusader (265)
Vindicator with extra armour Potms (160)
Vindicator with extra armour Potms (160)

So this list runs with the EC with the termies in LRC tho in an objective game with enemy that will close quickly I might reserve all and start with a scoring land raider instead.
The vindicators provide anti horde while the typhoons provide anti tank and infantry. This providing cover for my assault forces to get up close and personal.

Yes im 50 points under, but I was thinking of getting the blessed hull on my crusader and then i might swap out my neophtes for a 3rd Typhoon. Depending on Play testing goes.

Expect a battle report soon.

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